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National Dancing Association of Australasia Incorporated
proudly presents the
65th Grand Australasian (Open) Championships
and Annual Festival of Highland Dancing
Saturday, 29 June 2024
Commencing at 8.30am
Newington College
200 Stanmore Road
Jacqueline Smith – Canada
Suzanne Burgoyne – New Zealand
Christine Burgoyne – New Zealand
Janene Simpson – Queensland
Ailsa Bouch – Victoria
1 more to be appointed
Conducted under the rules of the RSOBHD as adopted by the ABHDI
Championship Number: C15/2024
Competition Registration Number: NSW12/2024
3rd Annual Dorothy Kerr Memorial Scholarship
to be held on Friday, 28 June 2024 at Newington College, Stanmore, for eligible NDAAI dancers.
(Details and entry forms to be sent out with invitations.)
The 2024 Cathy and John Hynd Memorial Scholarship
is to be awarded at the Grand Australasian. The winner will be drawn from the six 2024 Grand Australasian Championship winners. The prize is $2,000 USD. The Cathy and John Hynd Memorial Scholarship winner must use the money to travel and compete at an open Championship in a country of their choice including their own within two years and share a written story of their experience with their daughter Janeen Hynd Tronnes, and the Highland Dance community.
Papalia Encouragement Awards:
The 6 Prizes are for Premier with Restriction Dancers who enter and compete in the 6 age group Championships.
Each Cash Prize Award will be drawn on the day from each individual age group Championship. 6 Prizes of $100 each.
Workshop with Adjudicator Jacqueline Smith
to be held on Sunday, 30 June 2024 at BAL Headquarters,
162-166 Goulburn Street, Surry Hills – see separate flyer for details.
ENTRIES CLOSE: 9 June 2024 – Entries received after this date will be accepted without incurring a late fee, however dancer's name may not be included in the program.
Enquiries to:
Email: nationaldancingassoc@gmail.com
Mobile: 0400 221 038
Workshop Enquiries to:
Maureen Fyffe
Email: fyffes@bigpond.net.au
Mobile: 0400 221 038
Grand Australasian (Open) Championships
Commencing at 8.30am (dances conducted concurrently)
Championship Steps for 2024 are as released by RSOBHD.
Highland Fling
Sword Dance
Seann Triubhas
Reel of Tulloch
Age Groups
7-9 Years
10-11 Years
12-13 Years
14-15 Years
16-18 Years
19 Years and over
Dancers entering Championships after ballot draw on Monday 10th June 2024 will be last to enter first to dance followed by the ballot order.
Commencing approximately 11.30am The Premier Australasian Cup Barracks Johnnie and the Premier with Restriction Title Sword Dance will take place prior to the Championship Presentations
Grand Australasian Premier Cup
Barracks Johnnie (4 steps)
Blue Bonnets (4 steps)
Scottish Lilt (4 steps)
Sailors Hornpipe (4 steps)
Grand Australasian Premier with Restriction Title
Swords (2&1)
Blue Bonnets (4 steps)
Scottish Lilt (4 steps)
Sailors Hornpipe (4 steps)
NOTE: Premier with Restriction dancers may compete in the Premier with Restriction Title OR the Australasian Cup, but not both.
Premier with Restriction Section Dances
Village Maid (4)
Earl of Errol (4)
RESTRICTED RULE: Restricted to those who have not been placed 1st, 2nd, or 3rd in an open championship in the previous 5 years.
Primary, Beginners, Novice & Intermediate
Commencing 2.00pm
Beginners and Novice commence in Aboyne costume and Intermediate commence with Hornpipe
Age Groups in all classifications will be determined according to entries received
(first to enter will be last to dance)
Highland Fling (4 steps), Sword Dance (2&1), Pas de Basques, Pas de Basques & Highcuts
Grand Australasian Title: Highland Fling (4 steps), Scottish Lilt (4 steps), Flora MacDonald (4 steps)
Trophy Dance: Highland Fling (4 steps)
Sections Dances: Sword Dance (2&1), Seann Triubhas (3&1)
Grand Australasian Title: Highland Fling (4 steps), Scottish Lilt (4 steps), Flora MacDonald (4 steps)
Trophy Dance: Highland Fling (4 steps)
Sections Dances: Sword Dance (2&1), Seann Triubhas (3&1)
Grand Australasian Title: Highland Fling (4 steps), Scottish Lilt (4 steps), Flora MacDonald (4 steps)
Trophy Dance: Sailors' Hornpipe (4 steps)
Sections Dances: Barracks Johnnie (4 steps), Sword Dance (2&1), Seann Triubhas (3&1)
PRESENTATIONS & AWARDS 4pm approximate wrap up by 5pm
$7.00 per Section dance
$12.00 per Trophy dance
$28.00 per Pre-Premier Title
$35.00 Restricted Premier Title
$35.00 Premier Grand Australasian Cup
$35.00 7-9 / 10-11 Championships
$40.00 12-13 / 14-15 Championships
$45.00 16-18 / 19 & over Championships
NDAAI Administration Fee: $7.00 per dancer
Grand Australasian Championship: Individual dance winners receive special Grand Australasian Championship medals. Overall winners receive perpetual trophies, sashes and cash. Other special awards will also be presented, including Teacher’s Award for the Teacher of the winner of each Championship.
Grand Australasian Premier Cup & Grand Australasian Premier with Restriction Title - Perpetual trophy for winner, cash prizes for individual dances and overall placings.
Strathmore Perpetual Trophy - Highest points in Senior Premier Hornpipe
Scottish Australian Heritage Perpetual Trophy - for winner of the 16 years & over Premier with Restriction Swords.
Heather Jolly Award: Spirit of Highland Dancing – A Premier dancer selected by an Adjudicator.
NDAAI Examination Award: NDAAI Dancers who are competing at this Festival and who have done any NDAAI exam in 2023 will go into a draw for a cash prize of $100
Primary, Beginners, Novice and Intermediate - Section dances – medals
Titles: medals for individual dances; overall trophies plus sashes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd.
Beginners Encouragement Award: Moira Millar Perpetual Trophy
Novice Encouragement Award: Dundee Fife Perpetual Trophy
Intermediate Encouragement Award: MacKenzie Walker Perpetual Shield