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Tasmanian Highland Dancing Competition Association
Hobart Highland Dancers Competition
Saturday 16th March 2024
Competition: T2/2024
Bellerive Primary School
20 Leslie Street, Bellerive
Sophie Massy, WA
Julie Thomas, NSW
Morning Session: 9.30am - Beginners, Novice and Primary
Afternoon Session: 1.00pm - Intermediate and Premier
Entries close 1st March 2024
Entries will be accepted after close date up to and including competition day with a late fee of $10.00.
Email contact: Catherine Bourke cmbourke@yahoo.com
No flash photography allowed. VIDEOING permitted with the following proviso - only own child or pupil can be filmed and AT NO TIME will the film be accepted as evidence when protesting adjudication
Sponsorship is most welcome and will be acknowledged in the program
16 Pas de Basque
Pas de Basque and High Cuts
Highland Fling (4)
Sword Dance (2&1)
Trophy Dance: Highland Fling (4)
Aggregate Dances:
Highland Fling (4)
Sword Dance (2&1)
Scottish Lilt (4)
Medal Dances:
Seann Triubhas (3&1)
Flora McDonalds Fancy (4)
Trophy Dance: Highland Fling (4)
Aggregate Dances:
Highland Fling (4)
Sword Dance (2&1)
Scottish Lilt (4)
Seann Triubhas (3&1)
Flora McDonalds Fancy (4)
Trophy Dance: Barracks Johnnie (4)
Aggregate Dances:
Highland Fling (4)
Sword Dance (2&1)
Seann Triubhas (3&1)
National Dance Title:
Sailor's Hornpipe (4)
Flora McDonalds Fancy (4)
Highland Laddie (4)
Age Groups: 11yrs & U, 12&13, 14&15, 16yrs & O
*Highland Title:
Highland Fling (6)
Sword Dance (3&1)
Seann Triubhas (4&2)
Reel of Tulloch (8)
National Dance Title:
Village Maid (4)
Blue Bonnets (4)
**Premier Restricted:
Flora McDonalds Fancy (4)
Scottish Lilt (4)
* Short Steps for 11yrs & U.
** Premier Restricted: For those competitors not placed 1st, 2nd or 3rd in a registered Championship since 16/3/2022.